Geographic Sales Leads

Geographic Leads for Growing Your Business Anywhere

When you need to expand your business in key regions, you want to be able to access leads in those areas. At Salesgenie®, we have an expansive geographic sales leads database that can connect you with qualified consumer leads based on their location relative to your business.

Call a trusted marketing partner today to learn more. 877.708.3844.
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Geographic leads

Easily Target Geographic Sales Leads

The accuracy of our geographic leads list is held to the highest standards. Plus, you have the ability to generate a targeted list within your geographic area based on a variety of demographic search selects including:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Household income
  • Hobbies/Interests
  • Number of children

Salesgenie Sets the Standard

Unparalleled Data Accuracy

Data is our job, and we do our job well. We ensure our geographic leads lists are accurate and up-to-date for you by collecting information through intense research and a variety of reliable sources.

Helping You Connect

You want the people on your geographic leads lists to feel like you see them as more than a number. At Salesgenie, our lists come complete with information like a lead’s full name so you can customize your message.

Our Promise to You

No list is perfect and at Salesgenie we recognize this, but we also want to make it right. So, if you receive bad data from us, contact us and receive a refund for the portion of your geographic leads lists that was undeliverable, out-of-date or disconnected.

Various Helpful Databases

Your geographic leads needs vary. And that’s why we offer a variety of databases to choose your customized leads from including U.S. Businesses, U.S. New Businesses, U.S. Consumers, U.S. New Movers and New Homeowners, Canadian Businesses, and Canadian Consumers.

Compilation and Verification of Your Geographic Leads List

At Salesgenie, we believe it’s incredibly important to have real people making phone calls and verifying our databases. That is why we dedicate over 300 full-time researchers to ensure our business and consumer records are kept up to date. We also invest millions of dollars annually to ensure our data remains accurate. We gather data for our business and consumer lists from a variety of sources including:

  • U.S. and Canadian Yellow Page directories
  • New business filings
  • Daily utility connections
  • Press releases
  • Corporate websites
  • Annual reports
  • User-generated feedback
  • And more

The Difference is Salesgenie

Do Work You Love

Creating your own list of geographic leads isn’t where your talents lie. Instead, purchase a geographic leads list from us and use the time you take back to do the business tasks you actually like doing.

Helpful Marketing Solutions

When your sales and marketing needs are more robust than merely purchasing a list, Salesgenie has tools that can help. Our in-house team of creative experts can help you with a variety of services including direct mail campaigns, email marketing campaigns, search engine marketing, pay per click advertising, online display ads, and telemarketing campaigns.

Customer service
Outstanding Customer Care

A company is only as good as its people and at Salesgenie, you’ll be partnered with an experienced team member who is ready to show you how you can leverage our expansive solutions to grow your business starting with your geographic leads list.

Save time and money
Save Time and Money

When you have multiple geographic leads lists, we’ll help you to effortlessly combine them and avoid expensive marketing mistakes including duplicated contacts and inaccurate information, putting time on your side and money back into your wallet.

Manage leads


Our team of experts will work with you as your business grows, making sure you retain your best customers and enabling you to reach new ones. We’ll also work with you to design, test and deploy marketing campaigns and track their success.

Our free trial provides you a full version of our Professional package for 3 days. It’s completely free, no obligation, and no credit card required.

In addition to sales leads list, we offer a variety of turnkey marketing solutions including direct mail campaigns, email marketing campaigns, search engine marketing, pay per click advertising, online display ads, and telemarketing campaigns.

For details regarding your subscription information such as start date, expiration, billing information, etc., please contact your Database Consultant at 877.708.3844 or via email at [email protected].

Our Customer Data capability allows you to maximize your use of Salesgenie to find new customers and reach existing customers while managing current customers, and future customers in one easy-to-use online tool. There are several reasons why you should upload your data to Salesgenie including the following services: data append, data management, customer suppression, mapping, acquisition marketing, and retention marketing.

Salesgenie is a subscription-based service starting at $149/per month. Packages are tailored to fit the needs of each business.

Other Consumer Leads Lists We Offer:

Expand Your Reach with Geographic Leads

You can now reach hundreds or even thousands of new prospects by geographic region when you use a geographics leads list by Salesgenie.

Make it Happen

Hit your specific sales and marketing goal when you utilise a reliable geographic leads list. Now is the time to call Salesgenie.

Create leads

More Than 15,000 Active Users Rely on Salesgenie

Call a trusted marketing partner today to learn more. 877.708.3844
How can we help? Just give one of our marketing experts a call at 877.708.3844