Learn why CRM alternatively should stand for "Contact, Retain and Monetize" given its importance to a business looking to maximize its ROI.
Custom Fields allow you to drive your sales higher than ever before. You can identify your best leads quickly and easily.
Check out these 10 best practices for building a mailing list. At Salesgenie, we've broken down everything you need to know. Read more.
Following is a look at some recent trends in search engine marketing and how they affect your small business marketing! Find out more.
Top sales organizations don't remain stagnant; they constantly improve and grow. Learn more about how to help your team improve.
Small business owners looking to grow their sales and customer base need to see these easy tips to help you beat the competition. Learn more.
Finding the time and resources to prioritize small business targeted prospecting is difficult with the many other responsibilities you typically face.
Very little attention is paid to effective strategies for leaving voicemails when a prospect doesn't answer the phone. Learn more.
Here is why you should collaborate with SEM experts like Salesgenie to build customized campaigns that target the right people.
Targeting the ideal consumer can be tricky but Salesgenie shares here the top 3 important factors to know when targeting consumer profiles and leads!
The Chat Shop helps engage website visitors who aren't ready to make a purchase. What are some signs you look for to alert you to their hesitation?
Have you recently heard that pay-per-click advertising campaigns are among the most cost-effective methods of digital promotion?
Current and complete data is primary when it comes to personalizing your marketing. Salesgenie can help ensure your data is up-to-date.
Find out how the One-Click Dialer from the experts at Salesgenie can help improve efficiency in your B2B Sales Prospecting Efforts.
At Salesgenie we work hard to ensure that our data is accurate as possible. Here’s how much our data can change in just 30 minutes.
The demise of direct mail is a myth. In fact, this method of marketing has seen strong results in recent years. Find out why.
Brian Saemann is the CEO of the digital marketing agency GoBeyond SEO where he focuses on strategic online lead generation for his B2B service firm clients.
In this Expert Interview Series, Brian Parnell, CEO/Founder of Grindstone, Inc. talks making lead generation better. Learn more.